Friday, October 9, 2009

Tactics For Advertising Google Adwords and Google Adsense

Two of the most popular trends in advertising are Google Adwords and Google Adsense. In fact they have become so popular that marketers seem to have forgotten about the other options available to them. Some of these methods will actually save you money.

Adwords is a method of pay per click marketing. Here is how it works; advertisers are charged a nominal amount every time their ad is viewed. Although the charges are usually less than a dollar, they can accumulate into a larger amount. This is especially true of popular keywords, as these can create a large quantity of worthless leads. It is certainly a risk and if you are not careful your campaign can eat up your advertising budget.

The good news is that Adwords is not your only option for online advertising. Contrary to popular belief it is not the most widely used advertising method. Savvy marketers will recognize the fact that there are many options available for them. When they think beyond Adwords the advertiser will discover more profitable and cost effective methods of advertising.

One of the best ways to advertise without Adwords is social marketing. Blogs and forums are 2 of the most powerful forms of marketing using this media. Both these forms of social marketing offer immense exposure, as they attract visitors to discuss topics of their unique interests. When you post blogs about a product, with links back to your website, you can increase traffic for free.

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