Friday, October 2, 2009

purchased link ads

The acceptable account for search engines is that a lot of text link ads and the sites that advertise them tend to leave apparent "footprints" abaft in the code. It would be no agitation at all for a search engine to do a little digging into what the latest aisle are, search out all pages that accept them, and artlessly not acquiesce them to canyon any link popularity. This is not a penalty, apperception you. It would just be a way for the search engines to calculation alone votes and not ads. Your ads would still be advantageous for the acknowledgment and absolute traffic they bring, but not for providing you with link popularity. So although your website wouldn't technically be penalized, its rankings could bead if it was abased aloft the hotlink acceptance of paid links.

For those of you who don't believe the search engines can or would do this, you obviously haven't been paying attention over the years. What do you think every major update at Google has been about? They haven't been specifically about purchased link ads, but they have been about finding a subset of pages that all have similar characteristics and no longer allowing them to count the way they used to count towards rankings. Which means every page using the technique in question suddenly finds their rankings have dropped like a rock.

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