Thursday, August 27, 2009

Free Tips For Seo

This makes your website more appealing to the search engines because they understand your purpose with more clarity. SEO is always changing and it is a full-time job to keep up with the Google’s. For anyone who is just entering into the wonderful world of search engine optimization, the initial scope of it can be overwhelming. Here are some quick tips to help any SEO beginner hit the web running.

Choose the Correct Domain Name Every website should have a good name. Picking the right domain name that can easily be remembered and is relevant to your business is very important. You will want to try and use any keyword that you have chosen, if you can. It is also common to use your business or brand name. This is also recommended.

Link Building You can link building several different ways. Paid links are not recommended and you can be penalized severely. You can conduct link exchanges to your site, but you should focus on other sites that are very relevant and are quality, authoritative sites. Your rankings can go down if you link to very suspicious, spam websites.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Different Methods Of Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is one of the several facets of Internet marketing. Known also by its acronym SEM, it is a marketing model designed to effect promotion of web sites by making them more conspicuous to Internet visitors. Without proper visibility, a web site is as good as non-existent. So, Search Engine Marketing is imperative for Internet marketing, and for every form of dispersal of information through the medium of Internet.

One of the common ways in which SEM is done is by search engine optimization of the web site. This is mainly done by the right placement of keywords in the web content and by adding keywords within description tags that would make search engines favorably disposed towards it.

Another way in which Search Engine Marketing is managed is by contextual advertising. Here marketers place ads on other sites or portals that carry information relevant to their products so that the ads jump into the circle of vision of browsers who are seeking information from those sites. The ads are generally banner ads or text ads and often appear as pop-up ads. Google was the first one to start Search Engine Marketing by contextual advertising but now other networks and search engines have also joined the fray.